Employee Reviews
(Winged ratings measure job satisfaction on scale of 1 to 5)
Anonymous shared this review of PepsiCo on Jul 23rd, 2017
"Fair pay, especially with new hires, although the gap can widen as you have children, make family based decisions. Increasingly adding options like childcare, paternity leave, etc. but needs to recognize the generational needs of all associates (not just the youngest).
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing PepsiCo can improve?
"Promote more women into leadership positions"
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
"There is still a perception of expectations that can overshadow your ability to gain the flexibility you might want, particularly with older, male dominated leadership. "
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Policies, Hours
Did you take Maternity leave?
8 Weeks Paid | 6 Weeks Unpaid
" I was also able to work from home during bed rest with support from HR and some support form my leadership."
Would you recommend PepsiCo to other women?
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Anonymous shared this review of PepsiCo on Jul 22nd, 2017
"PepsiCo is very large, so the work experience varies from team to team, location to location"
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing PepsiCo can improve?
"Improve my compensation"
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Policies, Culture, Hours
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend PepsiCo to other women?
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Anonymous shared this review of PepsiCo on Jul 17th, 2017
"Good developmental opportunities for women - positive career opportunities when you have good initiative and drive for success."
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing PepsiCo can improve?
"Improve work-life balance and policies (e.g. flex-time, limit face time)"
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Culture, Hours
Did you take Maternity leave?
6 Weeks Paid | 6 Weeks Unpaid
"When I had kids (8 years ago), policies weren't that great. Only the standard 12 wks FMLA and was told by my boss that there was no work-from-home flexibility when I returned to work. Due to a change in management, mothers today have more flexible schedules and PEP increased maternity/paternity leave to 4 additional weeks paid."
Would you recommend PepsiCo to other women?
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Anonymous shared this review of PepsiCo on Jul 17th, 2017
"PepsiCo is a demanding CPG company to work for and depending on your role in the organization, work life balance can be a real issue. Be prepared to work extensive hours to get ahead."
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing PepsiCo can improve?
"Improve work-life balance and policies (e.g. flex-time, limit face time)"
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend PepsiCo to other women?
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Anonymous shared this review of PepsiCo on Jun 27th, 2017
"I struggle with this one based on my personal experience; but I would say it is a great place to work and leave it at that. "
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing PepsiCo can improve?
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
"Your manager impacts the flexibility that is offered. Having multiple managers I have seen limited flexibility and wonderful flexibility "Family First""
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Policies, Culture, Hours
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend PepsiCo to other women?
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