Today, over 60% of U.S. couples are dual-career couples, and it’s frequently reported that this is a positive development for our workplace and families.
Yet despite the clear benefits of both partners bringing home an income, working couples wrestle with significant challenges including how to balance their careers, juggle family commitments, and achieve their work and life aspirations. Most advice suggests focusing on practical solutions: shared calendars, dividing family responsibilities, and deciding who will have the primary and the secondary career. While these blanket prescriptions can provide quick-fixes, none help couples crack the dual-career life and satisfy their deepest needs in love and work.
Join us for a conversation with Jennifer Petriglieri, author of Couples That Work: How Dual-Career Couples Can Thrive in Love and Work, to discuss her exclusive research conducted with scores of couples around the world and her findings on what makes them successful (and what works against them).
Jennifer Petriglieri is an Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour at INSEAD. Her award-winning research and teaching focus on identity, leadership, and career development. She is particularly interested in how people’s close relationships shape who they become professionally and personally, and how moments of uncertainty and crisis make us who we are. A British citizen, Jennifer earned a PhD in Organisational Behaviour from INSEAD. She also holds an MBA from IMD, Switzerland, and a BSc in genetics from Nottingham University, UK. ...
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