Have you ever felt a prompt within that you ignored? Or have you wondered why your intuition exists and if you should listen to it? Join Jill L. Ferguson and nutritional therapist, Danielle Brooks from GoodDecisions.com to learn where our intuition comes from (including the phrase "women's intuition"), how we can best use our inner voices and why we should use those voices to make decisions in business, relationships, eating and life in 2020.
Join Jill's Fairygodboss Group, Women's Wellness.
Jill L. Ferguson is the founder and CEO of Women's Wellness Weekends and the moderator of the FGB groups Women's Wellness and Creating the Freelance Career. She's an award-winning author of 10 books and counting, artist, journalist, book and business coach and entrepreneur. Jill is currently researching and writing a book called Into the Knowing about using intuition to make our best decisions.
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