Why Working in Finance Will Make You a Better Mom

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July 27, 2024 at 12:47AM UTC

Working in finance — a male-dominated field notorious for its demanding, somewhat inflexible hours — might not be the most expected career path for moms who are keen on finding a good work-life balance. Amanda discovered just that when she began working in financial planning right out of college. “There were long hours, it was very stressful, and there was lots of cold calling,” she told Fairygodboss during a recent conversation.

She hoped to put her time in early on so she could get to the point where she’d have greater control over her own schedule — but pretty quickly decided that the career path and role she’d chosen wasn’t the right fit for her.  “I wasn’t getting the creative element I was looking for in being a financial advisor — in building relationships with clients,” she explained. 

So Amanda shifted gears, working for five years at an insurance company, and then decided to revisit a career path back into financial planning. “I did a lot of research and looked for a company that I felt had great brand awareness, was very reputable and had great benefits.” she said. 

Having spent the past six years as a financial advisor — and having two kids within those six years — Amanda couldn’t be happier about her decision to return to a career as a financial consultant.

“Now I work more one-on-one with clients, helping them make the transition into retirement [and helping them devise] retirement plans,” she said, emphasizing how glad she is that she’s found a role that allows her to connect more directly with her clients. 

Amanda’s managers, some of whom have kids of their own, have regularly checked in with her while she’s been out on maternity leave and have welcomed her choice to take advantage of flexible working policies, including the ability to work from home and adjust her hours. 
Amanda has noticed that the skills she’s gained in her particular role as a financial advisor — a role in which she’s constantly helping clients lay out their goals and plan for their future — have helped her tremendously as she’s become a mom. “I’m a planner at heart; at my job I love being able to help people think through their short and long term goals and create a roadmap to achieve those goals, and obviously that translates into my own personal finances, whether I’m keeping everything in check with our family budget or organizing for the kids,” she explained.
Like Amanda, Jennie — who’s been working as an advisor for just about a decade — feels fortunate to have a job where she’s felt well-supported as her family has grown. And while she was nervous about the post-maternity leave transition, “everybody was so supportive,” Jennie recalled. “I felt comfortable taking the full four months off. I did feel guilty that I was leaving my clients for a certain period of time, but a colleague stepped in and was receptive to my clients, so I knew they would be in good hands.” 
Jennie adds that working with such a diverse group of clients — and helping to guide them with a variety of needs and plans — has played a huge role in how she approaches her role as a parent. “I work with a lot of different personalities. That’s helped me adjust to how I’m a mother — knowing what to say and what to do when my daughter is reacting to situations, whether that be moments of confusion, or happiness.,” she explained. “It helps me tailor how I manage different reactions and situations as a mom, because of my experience managing the varying personalities I’ve worked with in my role.” 

Want to advance your finance career and find the same kind of job satisfaction that Amanda and Jennie have found? Register today — for free — for the Sept. 13 Fairygodboss Virtual Career Fair for Women in Finance! As an attendee, you’ll have the chance to speak directly with recruiters from companies like Bank of America, JPMorgan, E-Trade, Charles Schwab, TIAA, Mercer Advisors, Fitch Ratings, and Fisher Investments … all from the comfort of your home!


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